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Thursday, June 24, 2021



UBA Bank Tanzania Head of Digital Banking, Asupya Bussi (right) hands over literature text books to Babu and Bibi Orphanage Center founder, Apolinary Mutalemwa over the weekend. UBA Bank Tanzania through UBA Foundation donated literature textbooks to UMRA and Babu and Bibi aimed improving the academic performance of students.
UBA Bank Tanzania Head of Digital Banking, Asupya Bussi gestures as he addresses children of Babu and Bibi Orphanage Center. UBA Bank Tanzania through UBA Foundation donated literature textbooks to UMRA and Babu and Bibi aimed improving academic performance to students.
UBA Bank Tanzania Head of Digital Banking, Asupya Bussi (left) hands over literature text books to UMRA Orphanage Center founder, Rahma Juma over the weekend.

Dar es Salaam, Sunday 20 June 2021 - In efforts to offer quality education in the country, UBA Tanzania through UBA Foundation has donated Literature textbooks to two orphanage centers in the country.

The donation of the books was made to UMRA Orphanage center in Magomeni and Babu and Bibi Orphanage center situated at Madale in Kinondoni Municipality.

Speaking after receiving the books, the founder of UMRA Orphanage center Rahma Juma said that it was important to recognize the efforts which are being made by private institutions like UBA Tanzania in supporting education sector in the country. “We all understand that our government agenda is on industrialization, but we cannot have industries without good performance and adequate teaching materials in our schools. These books will increase the ability our students in performing good in literature and also in other subjects and in return will reach the government goal on industrialization”, Ruheye said.

Rahma added “I call upon UBA Tanzania and other stakeholders to continue supporting us in other areas of our school so that we can create a good environment for our students”.

On his part, UBA Bank Tanzania Head of Digital Banking Asupya Bussi said that the bank believes in a society were learners get their education on a good environment and schools with learning equipment’s like textbooks. On that case, it’s good to invest on our children’s education and that has been fulfilled by donating these books to UMRA and Babu and Bibi Orphanage Centres.

UBA Tanzania has for a long time been supporting the education sector in our country. For that reason, the Bank was recognized by Tanzania Education Authority in 2018 among others as an institution that supports learning, UBA Foundation through its Read Africa Initiative has invested on the African youth to promote learning and a reading culture by donating various literature books to schools in Africa. To achieve this, we have been working with various institutions and I must thank the government for their support as UBA Foundation has been successful, said Asupya.

Asupya added that English language has been one of the barriers for students to perform well in their final exams. By donating these literature textbooks, we are creating an environment for our students to develop a culture of reading for themselves. We trust that these books will empower these students to perform well in their subjects and also increase the number of students taking who will be performing well in the final exams, said Asupya adding that UBA Tanzania will continue supporting schools in the country in various areas aiming at building students for a bright future.

Speaking after receiving the books, the founder of Babu and Bibi Orphange Center Pastor Apolinary Mutalemwa said the UBA donation has come at the right time as children at the orphanage center has been academic materials. ‘All these children attend schools. One of the big challenge that has been affecting us is academic materials. I take these opportunities to commend UBA Bank for the support to us and to take proper care of these books for the advantage of us and for future use’, said Mutalemwa.

He added ‘Despite the donation of the books, your visit has really made us proud. These children are orphans and whenever we get visitors they feel loved and cared. We really thank UBA Bank Tanzania for their support!

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